Start your tennis journey with us

Our mission is to deliver exceptional tennis experiences fostering sportsmanship, discipline, and inclusivity.

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levels we work with

BEGINNER / USTA: 1.0 to 2.5

Players learn the fundamentals of the game, including developing technically sound forehands, backhands, volleys and serves. We help players learn basic rules of the game and getting the ball in play. Meet new friends, learn new skills and have fun playing tennis


Designed for the player who is returning to the game or graduated from the beginner level, this class expands on the basic fundamentals of the game. Focus is on stroke and point play development, making this an ideal complement for our clinics and workshops.

ADVANCED / USTA: 3.5 and above

Focus is on high level point play instruction and play patterns to develop complete tournament players. Fast paced sessions include specific elements for doubles, footwork, fitness, strategy and match-like scenarios.

Take your first tennis lesson with us

1st-timer class for just $30



5 sessions

2 month access


10 sessions

4 month access


20 sessions

8 month access



  • What if I don't have a racquet

    No worries! Do let us know when we whatsapp you and we will arrange for it. So no need to rush to the shops just yet, let our Banana coach assess and advise you on what's appropriate for you.

  • What if it rains?

    We provide indoor options for the lessons however, best to ring to double check what the plan is for the lesson.

  • What do I need to bring to my classes?

    Please make sure to wear proper tennis attire. This includes athletic wear plus tennis shoes. It is recommended to bring a bottle of water. All other equipment will be provided.


Call us  5555 555 55 55

Court address: NY, Street 3, Central Park

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